Schedule of Src Apdj Special

From: SRC Santragachi Jn
To: APDJ Alipur Duar Jn
Departs @ 23:25:00
Arrive @ 15:45:00
Travel Time: 16h 20m
Distance: 760km
Train Class Type: 2A,3A,SL

Train Route of Src Apdj Special

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
SRCSantragachi Jnstart23:25:001
BWNBarddhaman Jn01:18:0001:20:0002 m2
RPHRampur Hat03:35:0003:37:0002 m2
MLDTMalda Town06:20:0006:25:0005 m2
BOEBarsoi Jn08:48:0008:50:0002 m2
KNEKishanganj09:03:0009:05:0002 m2
AUBAluabari Road09:16:0009:18:0002 m2
NJPNew Jalpaiguri11:10:0011:30:0020 m2
NMZNew Mal Junction13:10:0013:12:0002 m2
HSAHasimara14:43:0014:45:0002 m2
APDJAlipur Duar Jn15:45:00Finish2

Alternet Trains of Src Apdj Special

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
No Data

Return Train from Santragachi Jn to Alipur Duar Jn

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
08010Apdj Src SpecialxxxxFxx

Frequently Asked Questions for Src Apdj Special

1: What is the train number of Src Apdj Special?

A: Src Apdj Special Train Number is 08009.

2: What is the Schedule of Src Apdj Special?

A: Src Apdj Special train runs from Santragachi Jn to Alipur Duar Jn. It departs from Santragachi Jn at 23:25:00 and reaches Alipur Duar Jn at 15:45:00.

3: What is the platform number of Src Apdj Special or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 08009 arrives on platform number 0 at Santragachi Jn and at platform number 0 at .Alipur Duar Jn

4: What is the travel route and time of Src Apdj Special?

A: Src Apdj Special took 16:20 to cover total distance of 760 kilometer between Santragachi Jn and Alipur Duar Jn.

5: From where Src Apdj Special starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Src Apdj Special?

A: Src Apdj Special starts from Santragachi Jn at 23:25:00.

6: What is the last station of Src Apdj Special and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Alipur Duar Jn at 15:45:00 which is the last station of its journey.