Schedule of Orissa S Kranti

From: BBS Bhubaneswar
To: ANVT Anand Vihar Trm
Departs @ 15:50:00
Arrive @ 20:50:00
Travel Time: 29h 0m
Distance: 1780km
Train Class Type: 2A,3A,SL

Train Route of Orissa S Kranti

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
CTCCuttack16:20:0016:25:0005 m1
JJKRJajpur K Road17:18:0017:20:0002 m1
BHCBhadrakh18:13:0018:15:0002 m1
SOROSoro18:38:0018:40:0002 m1
BLSBalasore19:07:0019:12:0005 m1
JERJaleswar19:44:0019:45:0001 m1
HIJHijilli20:40:0020:42:0002 m1
TATATatanagar Jn22:50:0023:10:0020 m1
GMOGomoh Jn03:10:0003:20:0010 m2
MGSMughal Sarai Jn08:45:0009:00:0015 m2
CNBKanpur Central13:40:0013:55:0015 m2
ANVTAnand Vihar Trm20:50:00Finish2

Alternet Trains of Orissa S Kranti

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
22805Bbs Ndls Sup ExpressxxxxxSx

Return Train from Bhubaneswar to Anand Vihar Trm

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
12820Orissa S KrntixTxxFxx
22806Anvt Bbs SuperMxxxxxx

Frequently Asked Questions for Orissa S Kranti

1: What is the train number of Orissa S Kranti?

A: Orissa S Kranti Train Number is 12819.

2: What is the Schedule of Orissa S Kranti?

A: Orissa S Kranti train runs from Bhubaneswar to Anand Vihar Trm. It departs from Bhubaneswar at 15:50:00 and reaches Anand Vihar Trm at 20:50:00.

3: What is the platform number of Orissa S Kranti or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 12819 arrives on platform number 2 at Bhubaneswar and at platform number 1 at .Anand Vihar Trm

4: What is the travel route and time of Orissa S Kranti?

A: Orissa S Kranti took 29:0 to cover total distance of 1780 kilometer between Bhubaneswar and Anand Vihar Trm.

5: From where Orissa S Kranti starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Orissa S Kranti?

A: Orissa S Kranti starts from Bhubaneswar at 15:50:00.

6: What is the last station of Orissa S Kranti and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Anand Vihar Trm at 20:50:00 which is the last station of its journey.