Schedule of Sbc Double Decker

From: MAS Chennai Central
To: SBC Ksr Bengaluru
Departs @ 07:25:00
Arrive @ 13:10:00
Travel Time: 5h 45m
Distance: 362km
Train Class Type: CC

Train Route of Sbc Double Decker

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
MASChennai Centralstart07:25:001
AJJArakkonam08:18:0008:20:0002 m1
KPDKatpadi Jn09:03:0009:05:0002 m1
ABAmbur09:49:0009:50:0001 m1
VNVaniyambadi10:04:0010:05:0001 m1
JTJJolarpettai10:33:0010:35:0002 m1
KPNKuppam10:59:0011:00:0001 m1
BWTBangarapet11:33:0011:35:0002 m1
KJMKrishnarajapurm12:18:0012:20:0002 m1
BNCBangalore Cant12:33:0012:35:0002 m1
SBCKsr Bengaluru13:10:00Finish1

Alternet Trains of Sbc Double Decker

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
12007Shatabdi ExpMTxTFSS
12027Shatabdi ExpMxWTFSS

Return Train from Chennai Central to Ksr Bengaluru

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
12008Shatabdi ExpMTxTFSS
12028Shatabdi ExpMxWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for Sbc Double Decker

1: What is the train number of Sbc Double Decker?

A: Sbc Double Decker Train Number is 22625.

2: What is the Schedule of Sbc Double Decker?

A: Sbc Double Decker train runs from Chennai Central to Ksr Bengaluru. It departs from Chennai Central at 07:25:00 and reaches Ksr Bengaluru at 13:10:00.

3: What is the platform number of Sbc Double Decker or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 22625 arrives on platform number 1,2,2A at Chennai Central and at platform number 6 at .Ksr Bengaluru

4: What is the travel route and time of Sbc Double Decker?

A: Sbc Double Decker took 5:45 to cover total distance of 362 kilometer between Chennai Central and Ksr Bengaluru.

5: From where Sbc Double Decker starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Sbc Double Decker?

A: Sbc Double Decker starts from Chennai Central at 07:25:00.

6: What is the last station of Sbc Double Decker and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Ksr Bengaluru at 13:10:00 which is the last station of its journey.