Schedule of Awr Mtj Passenger

From: AWR Alwar
To: MTJ Mathura Jn
Departs @ 13:50:00
Arrive @ 16:35:00
Travel Time: 2h 45m
Distance: 123km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of Awr Mtj Passenger

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
OTDOotwar14:02:0014:03:0001 m1
RAHRamgarh14:14:0014:15:0001 m1
JBSJadoli Ka Bas14:24:0014:25:0001 m1
GVHGovind Garh14:36:0014:37:0001 m1
BINRBrij Nagar14:49:0014:50:0001 m1
BEDMBedham15:02:0015:03:0001 m1
DEEGDeeg15:15:0015:16:0001 m1
BEHJBehaj15:24:0015:25:0001 m1
GDOGoverdhan15:35:0015:36:0001 m1
MROAMora15:49:0015:50:0001 m1
BTSRBhuteshwar16:00:0016:01:0001 m1
MTJMathura Jn16:35:00Finish1

Alternet Trains of Awr Mtj Passenger

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
01972Alwar - Mathura Gurupurnima Special (UnReserved)MTWTFSS
01974Alwar - Mathura Gurupurnima Special (UnReserved)MTWTFSS

Return Train from Alwar to Mathura Jn

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
01971Mathura - Alwar Gurupurnima Special (UnReserved)MTWTFSS
01973Mathura - Alwar Gurupurnima Special (UnReserved)MTWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for Awr Mtj Passenger

1: What is the train number of Awr Mtj Passenger?

A: Awr Mtj Passenger Train Number is 51972.

2: What is the Schedule of Awr Mtj Passenger?

A: Awr Mtj Passenger train runs from Alwar to Mathura Jn. It departs from Alwar at 13:50:00 and reaches Mathura Jn at 16:35:00.

3: What is the platform number of Awr Mtj Passenger or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 51972 arrives on platform number 2 at Alwar and at platform number 4 at .Mathura Jn

4: What is the travel route and time of Awr Mtj Passenger?

A: Awr Mtj Passenger took 2:45 to cover total distance of 123 kilometer between Alwar and Mathura Jn.

5: From where Awr Mtj Passenger starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Awr Mtj Passenger?

A: Awr Mtj Passenger starts from Alwar at 13:50:00.

6: What is the last station of Awr Mtj Passenger and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Mathura Jn at 16:35:00 which is the last station of its journey.