Schedule of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special

From: LJN Lucknow Ne
To: BPL Bhopal Jn
Departs @ 18:45:00
Arrive @ 06:20:00
Travel Time: 11h 35m
Distance: 584km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
LJNLucknow Nestart18:45:001
CNBKanpur Central20:40:0020:50:0010 m1
JHSJhansi Jn00:40:0000:50:0010 m2
BINABina Jn03:50:0003:55:0005 m2
BHSVidisha05:00:0005:02:0002 m2
BPLBhopal Jn06:20:00Finish2

Alternet Trains of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
01684Ljn Bpl SpecialxxxxFxx
11408Ljn Pune ExpressxxxTxxx

Return Train from Lucknow Ne to Bhopal Jn

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
01683Bpl Ljn SpecialxxxTxxx
02103Pune - Lucknow AC Superfast SpecialxxWxxxx

Frequently Asked Questions for Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special

1: What is the train number of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special?

A: Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special Train Number is 02593.

2: What is the Schedule of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special?

A: Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special train runs from Lucknow Ne to Bhopal Jn. It departs from Lucknow Ne at 18:45:00 and reaches Bhopal Jn at 06:20:00.

3: What is the platform number of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 02593 arrives on platform number 0 at Lucknow Ne and at platform number 0 at .Bhopal Jn

4: What is the travel route and time of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special?

A: Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special took 11:35 to cover total distance of 584 kilometer between Lucknow Ne and Bhopal Jn.

5: From where Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special?

A: Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special starts from Lucknow Ne at 18:45:00.

6: What is the last station of Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Bhopal Jn at 06:20:00 which is the last station of its journey.

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Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special train route, Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special train time table, Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special train schedule, Lucknow - Bhopal Garib Rath Special coach position, 02593 train route, 02593 train time table, 02593 train schedule, 02593 coach position, 02593 Stations, 02593 platform number, 02593 train platform. Also you will know train route from Lucknow to Bhopal, train schedule from Lucknow to Bhopal, train time table from Lucknow to Bhopal.