Schedule of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express

From: JHS Jhansi Jn
To: GWL Gwalior
Departs @ 17:25:00
Arrive @ 22:30:00
Travel Time: 5h 5m
Distance: 216km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
JHSJhansi Jnstart17:25:001
DAADatia17:47:0017:49:0002 m1
DBADabra18:11:0018:13:0002 m1
GWLGwalior19:00:0019:15:0015 m1
BIXBhind21:08:0021:10:0002 m1

Alternet Trains of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
00429Kurnool City - Varanasi Bharat Darshan SpecialxxWxxxx
01707Jbp - Atari SpecialxTxxxSx

Return Train from Jhansi Jn to Gwalior

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
01442Nizamuddin - Khadki NDA SpecialMxxxxxx
01708Att - Jbp SpecialxxWxxxS

Frequently Asked Questions for Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express

1: What is the train number of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express?

A: Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express Train Number is 11801.

2: What is the Schedule of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express?

A: Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express train runs from Jhansi Jn to Gwalior. It departs from Jhansi Jn at 17:25:00 and reaches Gwalior at 22:30:00.

3: What is the platform number of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 11801 arrives on platform number undefined at Jhansi Jn and at platform number undefined at .Gwalior

4: What is the travel route and time of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express?

A: Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express took 5:5 to cover total distance of 216 kilometer between Jhansi Jn and Gwalior.

5: From where Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express?

A: Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express starts from Jhansi Jn at 17:25:00.

6: What is the last station of Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Gwalior at 22:30:00 which is the last station of its journey.

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Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express train route, Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express train time table, Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express train schedule, Jhansi Gwalior Etawah Link Express coach position, 11801 train route, 11801 train time table, 11801 train schedule, 11801 coach position, 11801 Stations, 11801 platform number, 11801 train platform. Also you will know train route from Jhansi to Gwalior, train schedule from Jhansi to Gwalior, train time table from Jhansi to Gwalior.