Schedule of Pune Shatabdi

From: SC Secunderabad Jn
To: PUNE Pune Jn
Departs @ 14:45:00
Arrive @ 23:10:00
Travel Time: 8h 25m
Distance: 597km
Train Class Type: 1A,CC

Train Route of Pune Shatabdi

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
SCSecunderabad Jnstart14:45:001
BMTBegampet14:53:0014:55:0002 m1
VKBVikarabad Jn15:44:0015:45:0001 m1
TDUTandur16:14:0016:15:0001 m1
WADIWadi17:19:0017:22:0003 m1
GRGulbarga17:53:0017:56:0003 m1
SURSolapur Jn19:37:0019:40:0003 m1
PUNEPune Jn23:10:00Finish1

Alternet Trains of Pune Shatabdi

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
02882Bhubaneswar - Pune Suvidha SpecialxxxxxxS
11020Konark ExpressMTWTFSS

Return Train from Secunderabad Jn to Pune Jn

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
02702Mumbai CST -Secunderabad Premium SpecialMxxxxxx
11019Konark ExpressMTWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for Pune Shatabdi

1: What is the train number of Pune Shatabdi?

A: Pune Shatabdi Train Number is 12026.

2: What is the Schedule of Pune Shatabdi?

A: Pune Shatabdi train runs from Secunderabad Jn to Pune Jn. It departs from Secunderabad Jn at 14:45:00 and reaches Pune Jn at 23:10:00.

3: What is the platform number of Pune Shatabdi or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 12026 arrives on platform number 1 at Secunderabad Jn and at platform number 6 at .Pune Jn

4: What is the travel route and time of Pune Shatabdi?

A: Pune Shatabdi took 8:25 to cover total distance of 597 kilometer between Secunderabad Jn and Pune Jn.

5: From where Pune Shatabdi starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Pune Shatabdi?

A: Pune Shatabdi starts from Secunderabad Jn at 14:45:00.

6: What is the last station of Pune Shatabdi and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Pune Jn at 23:10:00 which is the last station of its journey.

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Pune Shatabdi train route, Pune Shatabdi train time table, Pune Shatabdi train schedule, Pune Shatabdi coach position, 12026 train route, 12026 train time table, 12026 train schedule, 12026 coach position, 12026 Stations, 12026 platform number, 12026 train platform. Also you will know train route from Secunderabad to Pune, train schedule from Secunderabad to Pune, train time table from Secunderabad to Pune.