Schedule of Intercity Express

From: DEE Delhi S Rohilla
To: INDB Indore Jn Bg
Departs @ 21:10:00
Arrive @ 11:40:00
Travel Time: 14h 30m
Distance: 830km
Train Class Type: 1A,2A,3A,SL

Train Route of Intercity Express

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
DEEDelhi S Rohillastart21:10:001
NDLSNew Delhi21:50:0022:00:0010 m1
NZMH Nizamuddin22:13:0022:15:0002 m1
MTJMathura Jn00:35:0000:40:0005 m2
BTEBharatpur Jn01:04:0001:06:0002 m2
BXNBayana Jn01:33:0001:35:0002 m2
SMBJShri Mahavirji02:04:0002:06:0002 m2
GGCGangapur City02:33:0002:35:0002 m2
SWMSawai Madhopur03:20:0003:22:0002 m2
KOTAKota Jn04:40:0004:50:0010 m2
RMARamganj Mandi05:43:0005:45:0002 m2
BWMBhawani Mandi06:08:0006:10:0002 m2
GOHGarot06:27:0006:29:0002 m2
SGZShamgarh06:38:0006:40:0002 m2
SVASuwasra06:54:0006:55:0001 m2
CMUChau Mahla07:09:0007:10:0001 m2
VMAVikramgarh Alot07:30:0007:32:0002 m2
MEPMahidpur Road07:49:0007:50:0001 m2
NADNagda Jn08:45:0009:10:0025 m2
UJNUjjain Jn10:00:0010:05:0005 m2
DWXDewas10:50:0010:52:0002 m2
INDBIndore Jn Bg11:40:00Finish2

Alternet Trains of Intercity Express

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
09302Delhi Sarai Rohilla- Indore Special Fare SpecialMxxxxxx

Return Train from Delhi S Rohilla to Indore Jn Bg

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
09301Indore - Delhi Sarai Rohilla Special Fare SpecialxxxxxxS
12415Nizamuddin ExpressMTWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for Intercity Express

1: What is the train number of Intercity Express?

A: Intercity Express Train Number is 12416.

2: What is the Schedule of Intercity Express?

A: Intercity Express train runs from Delhi S Rohilla to Indore Jn Bg. It departs from Delhi S Rohilla at 21:10:00 and reaches Indore Jn Bg at 11:40:00.

3: What is the platform number of Intercity Express or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 12416 arrives on platform number 1 at Delhi S Rohilla and at platform number 2,3 at .Indore Jn Bg

4: What is the travel route and time of Intercity Express?

A: Intercity Express took 14:30 to cover total distance of 830 kilometer between Delhi S Rohilla and Indore Jn Bg.

5: From where Intercity Express starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Intercity Express?

A: Intercity Express starts from Delhi S Rohilla at 21:10:00.

6: What is the last station of Intercity Express and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Indore Jn Bg at 11:40:00 which is the last station of its journey.

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Intercity Express train route, Intercity Express train time table, Intercity Express train schedule, Intercity Express coach position, 12416 train route, 12416 train time table, 12416 train schedule, 12416 coach position, 12416 Stations, 12416 platform number, 12416 train platform. Also you will know train route from Delhi to Indore, train schedule from Delhi to Indore, train time table from Delhi to Indore.