Schedule of Ngp Bilaspur Express

From: NGP Nagpur
To: BSP Bilaspur Jn
Departs @ 23:35:00
Arrive @ 07:00:00
Travel Time: 7h 25m
Distance: 412km
Train Class Type: 1A,2A,3A,SL

Train Route of Ngp Bilaspur Express

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
ITRItwari23:46:0023:48:0002 m1
KPKamptee00:09:0000:11:0002 m2
BRDBhandara Road00:40:0000:42:0002 m2
TMRTumsar Road00:56:0000:58:0002 m2
TROTirora01:13:0001:15:0002 m2
GGondia Jn01:46:0001:48:0002 m2
AGNAmgaon02:03:0002:05:0002 m2
DGGDongargarh02:48:0002:50:0002 m2
RJNRaj Nandgaon03:20:0003:22:0002 m2
DURGDurg04:00:0004:05:0005 m2
BPHBBhilai Pwr Hs04:16:0004:18:0002 m2
BIABhilai04:23:0004:25:0002 m2
RRaipur Jn04:50:0005:00:0010 m2
TLDTilda05:33:0005:35:0002 m2
BYTBhatapara05:53:0005:55:0002 m2
BYLBelha06:23:0006:25:0002 m2
BSPBilaspur Jn07:00:00Finish2

Alternet Trains of Ngp Bilaspur Express

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
00221Pune Hwh SpecialMxxxxxx
00833Adi Src SpecialxxWxxxx

Return Train from Nagpur to Bilaspur Jn

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
00222Hwh Pune Superfast SpecialxxxxxSx
00834Src Adi Ac SpecialMxxxxxx

Frequently Asked Questions for Ngp Bilaspur Express

1: What is the train number of Ngp Bilaspur Express?

A: Ngp Bilaspur Express Train Number is 18240.

2: What is the Schedule of Ngp Bilaspur Express?

A: Ngp Bilaspur Express train runs from Nagpur to Bilaspur Jn. It departs from Nagpur at 23:35:00 and reaches Bilaspur Jn at 07:00:00.

3: What is the platform number of Ngp Bilaspur Express or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 18240 arrives on platform number 8 at Nagpur and at platform number 7 at .Bilaspur Jn

4: What is the travel route and time of Ngp Bilaspur Express?

A: Ngp Bilaspur Express took 7:25 to cover total distance of 412 kilometer between Nagpur and Bilaspur Jn.

5: From where Ngp Bilaspur Express starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Ngp Bilaspur Express?

A: Ngp Bilaspur Express starts from Nagpur at 23:35:00.

6: What is the last station of Ngp Bilaspur Express and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Bilaspur Jn at 07:00:00 which is the last station of its journey.

Related Tags

Ngp Bilaspur Express train route, Ngp Bilaspur Express train time table, Ngp Bilaspur Express train schedule, Ngp Bilaspur Express coach position, 18240 train route, 18240 train time table, 18240 train schedule, 18240 coach position, 18240 Stations, 18240 platform number, 18240 train platform. Also you will know train route from Nagpur to Bilaspur, train schedule from Nagpur to Bilaspur, train time table from Nagpur to Bilaspur.