Schedule of BIM WGI PASS N G

From: BIM Bilimora Jn
To: WGI Waghai
Departs @ 19:40:00
Arrive @ 22:40:00
Travel Time: 3h 0m
Distance: 63km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of BIM WGI PASS N G

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
BIMBilimora Jnstart19:40:001
GNVGandevi19:52:0019:53:0001 m1
CIOChikhli Road20:13:0020:14:0001 m1
RWRankua20:33:0020:34:0001 m1
DOLKDholikua20:51:0020:52:0001 m1
ANWAnawal21:07:0021:08:0001 m1
UNIUnai Vansada Rd21:31:0021:32:0001 m1
KVOKevdiroad21:54:0021:55:0001 m1
KMBKalv Amba22:08:0022:09:0001 m1
DNGDDungarda22:20:0022:21:0001 m1

Alternet Trains of BIM WGI PASS N G

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
52011Bim Wgi PassengerMTWTFSS

Return Train from Bilimora Jn to Waghai

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for BIM WGI PASS N G

1: What is the train number of BIM WGI PASS N G?

A: BIM WGI PASS N G Train Number is 52013.

2: What is the Schedule of BIM WGI PASS N G?

A: BIM WGI PASS N G train runs from Bilimora Jn to Waghai. It departs from Bilimora Jn at 19:40:00 and reaches Waghai at 22:40:00.

3: What is the platform number of BIM WGI PASS N G or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 52013 arrives on platform number 4 at Bilimora Jn and at platform number 1 at .Waghai

4: What is the travel route and time of BIM WGI PASS N G?

A: BIM WGI PASS N G took 3:0 to cover total distance of 63 kilometer between Bilimora Jn and Waghai.

5: From where BIM WGI PASS N G starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of BIM WGI PASS N G?

A: BIM WGI PASS N G starts from Bilimora Jn at 19:40:00.

6: What is the last station of BIM WGI PASS N G and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Waghai at 22:40:00 which is the last station of its journey.

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BIM WGI PASS N G train route, BIM WGI PASS N G train time table, BIM WGI PASS N G train schedule, BIM WGI PASS N G coach position, 52013 train route, 52013 train time table, 52013 train schedule, 52013 coach position, 52013 Stations, 52013 platform number, 52013 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bilimora to Waghai, train schedule from Bilimora to Waghai, train time table from Bilimora to Waghai.