Schedule of Bhc Bls Passenger

From: BHC Bhadrakh
To: BLS Balasore
Departs @ 11:45:00
Arrive @ 13:10:00
Travel Time: 1h 25m
Distance: 63km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of Bhc Bls Passenger

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
RNTLRanital11:51:0011:52:0001 m1
MKOMarkona11:58:0011:59:0001 m1
SZZSabira12:07:0012:08:0001 m1
SOROSoro12:15:0012:16:0001 m1
BNBRBahanaga Bazar12:24:0012:25:0001 m1
PNPNPanpana12:30:0012:31:0001 m1
KHFKhantapara12:36:0012:37:0001 m1
NGRDNilgiriroad12:42:0012:43:0001 m1

Alternet Trains of Bhc Bls Passenger

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
00609Tpj Src SuvidhaxxxxxSx
00838Puri Shm Ac SpecialxxWxxxx

Return Train from Bhadrakh to Balasore

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
00610Src Tpj SuvidhaMxxxxxx
00837Shm Puri Ac SpecialxTxxxxx

Frequently Asked Questions for Bhc Bls Passenger

1: What is the train number of Bhc Bls Passenger?

A: Bhc Bls Passenger Train Number is 58030.

2: What is the Schedule of Bhc Bls Passenger?

A: Bhc Bls Passenger train runs from Bhadrakh to Balasore. It departs from Bhadrakh at 11:45:00 and reaches Balasore at 13:10:00.

3: What is the platform number of Bhc Bls Passenger or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 58030 arrives on platform number undefined at Bhadrakh and at platform number 4 at .Balasore

4: What is the travel route and time of Bhc Bls Passenger?

A: Bhc Bls Passenger took 1:25 to cover total distance of 63 kilometer between Bhadrakh and Balasore.

5: From where Bhc Bls Passenger starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Bhc Bls Passenger?

A: Bhc Bls Passenger starts from Bhadrakh at 11:45:00.

6: What is the last station of Bhc Bls Passenger and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Balasore at 13:10:00 which is the last station of its journey.

Related Tags

Bhc Bls Passenger train route, Bhc Bls Passenger train time table, Bhc Bls Passenger train schedule, Bhc Bls Passenger coach position, 58030 train route, 58030 train time table, 58030 train schedule, 58030 coach position, 58030 Stations, 58030 platform number, 58030 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bhadrakh to Balasore, train schedule from Bhadrakh to Balasore, train time table from Bhadrakh to Balasore.