Schedule of Cstm Bud

From: CSMT C Shivaji Maharaj T
To: BUD Badlapur
Departs @ 16:00:00
Arrive @ 16:53:00
Travel Time: 0h 53m
Distance: 34km
Train Class Type:

Train Route of Cstm Bud

CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsHaltDay
KLVAKalva16:04:0016:05:0001 m1
MBQMumbra16:10:0016:11:0001 m1
DIVADiva Junction16:14:0016:15:0001 m1
KOPRKopar16:19:0016:20:0001 m1
DIDombivli16:22:0016:23:0001 m1
THKThakurli16:26:0016:27:0001 m1
KYNKalyan Jn16:32:0016:33:0001 m1
VLDIVithalwadi16:37:0016:38:0001 m1
ULNRUlhasnagar16:39:0016:40:0001 m1
ABHAmbernath16:43:0016:44:0001 m1

Alternet Trains of Cstm Bud

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
51027Fast PassengerxxxTFSx
51029Bb Bjp Fast PassengerMTWxxxS

Return Train from C Shivaji Maharaj T to Badlapur

TrainTrain NameMTWTFSS
51028Fast PassengerxxxxFSS
51034Cstm Fast PassengerMTWTFSS

Frequently Asked Questions for Cstm Bud

1: What is the train number of Cstm Bud?

A: Cstm Bud Train Number is 96207.

2: What is the Schedule of Cstm Bud?

A: Cstm Bud train runs from C Shivaji Maharaj T to Badlapur. It departs from C Shivaji Maharaj T at 16:00:00 and reaches Badlapur at 16:53:00.

3: What is the platform number of Cstm Bud or on which platform the train usually arrives?

A: Train 96207 arrives on platform number 1 at C Shivaji Maharaj T and at platform number undefined at .Badlapur

4: What is the travel route and time of Cstm Bud?

A: Cstm Bud took 0:53 to cover total distance of 34 kilometer between C Shivaji Maharaj T and Badlapur.

5: From where Cstm Bud starts and at which time? Or What is the source station of Cstm Bud?

A: Cstm Bud starts from C Shivaji Maharaj T at 16:00:00.

6: What is the last station of Cstm Bud and when the train reaches to its destination?

A: Its reaches Badlapur at 16:53:00 which is the last station of its journey.

Related Tags

Cstm Bud train route, Cstm Bud train time table, Cstm Bud train schedule, Cstm Bud coach position, 96207 train route, 96207 train time table, 96207 train schedule, 96207 coach position, 96207 Stations, 96207 platform number, 96207 train platform. Also you will know train route from C to Badlapur, train schedule from C to Badlapur, train time table from C to Badlapur.